14 Nov 2012

Doa Awal Muharram 1434 Hijri | Tahun Baru Islam 2012

DUA” means is to say prayer of creature of this world. Whenever we beg help from the “CREATURE OF THIS WOLD” it mean we say “DUA”.

I congratulate to all the Muslims of the world on “ISLAMIC NEW YEAR 1434 HIJRI”. The largest number of people in the whole world are will say Doa Awal Muharram. In the first decade of this Islamic month ‘MUHARRAM’, the Muslims in the whole wold say Doa Akhir Tahun.

During the first nine days of the month, other scenes of mourning in the battle of Karbala, also known as majlish adopted in Shiite mosques.

On Ashura, the most important day, processions with Taziahs allege commemeration a sad event. The procession includes a well-decorated horse, representing the horse of Imam Hussein. Emotional plays, enacting scenes in the battle of Karbala, are performed by men stripped to the waist Shiites.

They strike their body with chains while some walk barefoot over hot coals. Crying, “Hai Hussain NA Rahe hum” which means “O Hussein, were not there, they express pain in the ability to have prevented him from being tortured.

After struggling for pain Shiahs Hussein suffered and therefore express their grief. But there are different issues on this work of different people.

At the end, I once again say the best wished to all the Muslims of this new Islamic year and request for pray that may ALLAH bless on the Islam and Islamic countries.